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Top 7 Healthy Habits for 2023

December 22, 2022

A new year means new beginnings. After the recent and lengthy health crisis we’ve had over the last several years, it’s now more important than ever to focus on developing healthy habits.

Allow us to suggest seven important habits that will help you ensure better mental, physical, and emotional well-being for 2023.

1. Get Vaccinated

We’re not just suggesting this because of COVID-19. There are many seasonal vaccines you need to get so you won’t get sick easily in 2023. These include pneumonia shots and flu shots.

Getting vaccinated isn’t just a wise step for next year. It’s a big leap for your health that you should continue practicing even after 2023 is over.

2. Make Time for Physical Activity Every Day

Over the last two years, many people have grown to favor staying at home and spending a lot of time relaxing, reading books, and watching movies – all habits that lead to inactivity, weight gain, and other side effects, like raised blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

To lose any excess pounds you gained or just improve your overall health, start an exercise regimen and develop a fitness routine. If you join a team sport or group exercise program, such as a pick-up basketball team or yoga studio, you’ll also get to socialize and work out with like-minded people.

If you prefer doing activities on your own, start by taking walks around the neighborhood. Even a 30-minute daily walk can do wonders for the body. Plus, it can open doors to other activities such as cycling and running.

3. Follow a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

Developing a balanced and healthy diet can be a challenge, but it’s much easier now since there are more commercially available options for those who want less salt, sugar, and fat in their diets.

Eat more whole foods such as grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, fish, and vegetables. Including more of these in your daily meals can lower your blood pressure and your risk for certain diseases like diabetes. Avoid processed food, such as canned meat and junk food. These contain a lot of salt and preservatives, which can increase your risk for cancer.

4. Stay Hydrated

Stay hydrated by drinking more water. This will improve your skin’s texture and softness while helping you look and feel younger. In addition, those who drink more water per day are often more active.

Cut back on sweetened tea and soda, as these contain high levels of sugar. Sweetened beverages can contribute to other health issues such as fatty liver, heart disease, and cavities.

5. Get Regular Checkups and Health Screenings

Most people only visit their doctor when they feel that something is wrong. But the best way to prevent a serious medical issue is to schedule regular checkups so your physician can help you address health problems and nip them in the bud.

This is even more important for those over 30 years old. The risk of developing cancer and other illnesses increases as you age. But a regular checkup can help you and your physician understand your current state of health. It also prepares you for any health issues you might develop later in life.

6. Get High-Quality Sleep

Mobile gadgets, busy work schedules, and unhealthy lifestyle choices often lead to fatigue, insomnia, and low-quality sleep. There are also studies that show how sleep deprivation can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety.

To get enough sleep, have a sleep schedule and stop using your mobile gadgets before sleeping. Keep your bedroom technology-free, and set an alarm so you wake up at the same time every day.

7. Get Rid of Bad Habits

Root out bad habits such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or eating too much junk food. These are all behaviors that people do when they are stressed. So, the first step is to identify what triggers these behaviors.

When our bodies produce adrenaline and our “fight or flight” responses are triggered, our cortisol production spikes, making us more likely to gain weight. One way to deal with an adrenaline rush is to do some physical activity. So, instead of grabbing a burger or a cigarette, why not go for a short walk or run?

Make Health Your Top Priority in 2023

As we head into the new year, it’s important to make our health a priority. There’s no better way to do that than by paying your family physicians at Mount Olive Family Medicine Center a visit.

Mount Olive Family Medicine Center

If you want professional and tailored advice on your health for 2023, visit the Mount Olive Family Medicine Center. We provide primary health care, a walk-in clinic, radiology services, behavioral healthcare, and more within the Mount Olive, North Carolina region.

Let’s work together to help you establish healthier habits this 2023.

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